For Caleb, returning to his hometown for his brothers' wedding should have been a source of exceptional joy. That's not entirely true, though, because it turns out his brother is going to marry his ex-wife. He has no desire to attend this event, but he decides to go anyway. After all, her best friend, Laysha, lives in the same town and they promised to see each other again. Not to mention that she was asked to look for a war dog that disappeared shortly after she was adopted.
Caleb is back. Better yet, he stays with her. Laysha is over the moon, even though she knows he still has issues with his ex-wife. When Caleb and Laysha travel to the last known address of the missing war dog and discover a human corpse there, life takes a sordid turn.
Worse still, they've been seen there and they both become a game Caleb must win or lose everything that matters in his life.
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